September 23, 2018

Road Repair Project Update

Sunroc Paving walked the roads in our development with your HOA last spring and afterward provided us with several options as to how we could begin the process of improving our roads while staying within our budget.  Our first priority was the 10-11 areas identified as being most damaged and in need of full replacement, and the next was replacement of the entire road from the gate to approximately home #6. When Sunroc was onsite last week and observed to be marking just the sections of asphalt between the gate along the lower road, at the tee section and part way up the hill that had been identified as needing full replacement, we questioned them as to why.  It was then that we realized we had mistakenly believed the amount of asphalt agreed to in our bid with Sunroc was enough to cover the 10-11 areas that needed full replacement, as well as full replacement of the road from the gate to home #6. To do the full road would actually cost an approximate additional $46,000, which is more than we have in our budget at this time.  While disappointed that the full road cannot be replaced now, we are agreed that we should move forward with replacing the severely damaged 10-11 sections as contracted for before the winter sets in. We feel that even with the adjustment this is still a satisfactory solution for the section from the gate to home 6 because all the damaged areas of asphalt on our roads will be repaired/replaced and all will be treated with crack seal and seal coat to extend the life of the repaired areas.

With that said, the next phase of our road repair project will proceed as follows:

Tuesday through Friday September 25 - 28

  • Equipment will be staged for the work to be done
  • Cut out of all marked sections
  • Grinding of the asphalt that was removed for inclusion into the road base
  • Preparation the road base in all of the cutout sections

Monday through Thursday October 1-4

  • Pave all cut out sections
  • Crack seal all the areas that were paved
  • Seal coat all the areas that were paved

Work is expected to complete either Wednesday, October 3 or Thursday, October 4.

  • All work will be coordinated so that at least one side of the road will be available for homeowner and guest access.  There may be a slight delay for driveways that have paving being done directly in front of the driveway
  • Some traffic may be temporarily routed around through the Ranch using the dirt access road
  • Sunroc (the asphalt contractor) has agreed to minimize delays to the extent possible

Questions can be directed to either Ned McNabb ( or Carol Casperson (

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